Thursday, May 13, 2010

Things happened

Salamz folks
Im on My way to London now
Specifically on the train :D
Yeah in a boredoom , i am thinking of writing something...
I think its not too late to wish to all mum a happy mother's day
Mother: always with us in good and bad day...all the wrong things.. They made it right..all of our dreams .. They made it come true... Just because they love us more than love themselves.. Its a blessing!! Indeed a great blessing!! Now.. I miss My mum very much. How i wish to kiss and hug her. Saying a million thanks for everything that she had done. One thing...
i am really proud to be your only son.Mama tq and i love you with all My heart!!!! :)

Study: alhamdulillah im in the preparing more to submit My transfer report draft from mphil to phd. Few chapters done and a chapter to go. Its the time where you can start to feel the beauty of doing research! The complexity of academic writing.. The challeging gaining factual and present it in a report. It might look simple but truste me it needs more than that. To certain extend you feel confident with your own thoughts skills. I mean here your end results. But after getting the results it change!! Yes absolutely change!!! Whether from good to bad, either or this is a process of learning. Its not a time to give up. Take it in a positive manner. Work it out in some way to improve it. Insyaallah you'll be better. Im saying this because ive been through and even it is a continuos process. Never stop learning n never give up!!! I inspired myself and hope you too!!!

Im off to London this week. Sort of holiday mode! Release me from any works. Hope to see good sunshine in hyde park! Eating lovely foods. Shopping? Will think about it. :D ok folks. A simple update from me. See you all later! Have a great day!!!
Take care!!!

And not to forget :
Happy teacher's day

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