You can listen his song in my blog - Terima kasih cinta
Hey ho!
This week event become so interesting!
i have met new people and shared new stuff!
Seriously i enjoy it very much!
Thanks to Rizal, Kak cita and Kak Joen
What a day! :P
Anyway people,
do u people know anything about young n talented singer from Indonesia - AFGAN?
Seriously he is awesome!
very talented and ive met him in person....
Well i went to Istana hotel for his launching ceremony of Afgan's new album
Some pictures to share with you!
ive met few Malaysian singers/actress etc at the ceremony...
My Favorite songs in his album
1. Padamuku bersujud
2.Terima kasih cinta
4. Sadis
many stuff in you tube related to his performance!
CAT farish offered Impak Maksima the musical theatre tickets...:)
Token of appreciation to him.... Thanks bro...
Very down to earth!
Major improvement need to be done in this Theatre! Seriously! :)
Eating time!!!
before that i went to have lunch at SARI ratu
The food is quite ok
Nice environment and nice people! Cosy!
Ngomong Indonesia sih... :P
Had very simple and standard menu
Sari RATU - Nasi padang stuff! = Waroeng Penyet at the Curve
so many dishes to choose from fish, chicken, vegs, meat, shrimps etc
even one famous dish known as "Tunjang"- 'mcm urat saraf' :P
i dont know how to describe.. Go figure!
kind of enjoy it! :)
Overall it was a great2 day!
met new people....
listened to the soothing voice from Afgan
made me flying without wings. Poyos! ------> GROOPYYY
To all have a great day...
take care! :)