I have never done this before. 4x meeting with my supervisors. Well frankly speaking you can’t set any appointment until you have something to present or something to talk about. At least some output from your reading or experiments. And meeting them made you shaking a bit! I am not local people and please note that English is not my first language. :D Alhamdulillah so far I manage to control everything and indeed improved my communication skills as well. Hectic week but a good progress! I strived to do the programming! The language of the exploration!
It happened! The dictatorship leader of Hosni Mubaraq should step down! This is requested by millions of Egyptian people. What will happen next? Do we want this to happen in our country? Do riots solve the problem since diplomacy unable to be used as a rationale platform? Or there is no diplomacy at all in Egypt? Wondering… and baffled! And now he did!!!
It’s a journey of life especially when you live abroad. I have been living my life in United Kingdom since 2006. I went back home for a while in 2008 and now return back to pursue my study. The journey that I have been through is not easy at all. Living abroad with differences of culture, ethnicity or background made me learnt to tolerate and to be sensible! When I was in London, I stayed in student accommodation. This incident still stood there on my mind! I was cooking anchovies and you Malaysian should know how it smells right? My flat mates (a British guy) suddenly pop up to the kitchen and quickly open the windows. He did ask me what’s cooking?? I said FISH (Instead of anchovies… Frankly speaking I forgot what’s “ikan bilis” in English that period of time :P so fish suddenly pop up into my mind) He said the smells was really bad! And I felt really guilty that time liked I did a really big mistake. Then again, another incident happened with the same person and at the same place. Suddenly it was a super hanyir(Fishy) in the kitchen! I just asked him what’s cooking then he replied pork with herbs! I said directly I don’t eat pork and I don’t like the smell but I can tolerate if you want to eat it. Moral values??
Now I am living in my own flat with a living room, 1 small bedroom with queen size bed, mini kitchen and quite nice toilet(Without bath tab ok) :P I would prefer to stay alone like this instead of sharing with other people. Well sometime you will need your own space. Doing PhD of course you really need your own space! Space to talk with yourself, space to think over the boundaries and space to relax! You make the mess then you clean it. There is no further argument with other people. You bear at your own cost! I loikeee!
hidup ni banyak dugaan..kalau kita tak kuat, mesti jatuh..saya sendiri pujuk diri nasihat diri sendiri, supaya banyak bersabar dengan apa yg kita tempuh..sedangkan ada kala, saya rasa sangat lemah, putus asa, tidak bersemangat..semuanya ujian dr Allah..apa yang saya boleh lakukan, hanya bersabar dan teruskan hidup..
*dah 4 minggu saya tak jumpa dengan supervisor saya..sudah mula putus asa dan berserah..haha
Yes of course kita kene banyak besabar! liku2 kehidupan..jangan berserah awal sangat... meet up ur supervisor soon.. he or she dah rindu tu :P
hari ini saya call my SV untuk jumpa dan bincang..my SV sangat bz..so x dapat jumpa hari ni..dan yang menariknya, dia ada takut2kan saya, susah nak lulus sbb tak cukup jam pertemuan untuk sesi discussion..
*dan saya sangat takut sekarang..adoi..haha
saya pon dh lama tk jumpa supervisor ;) huhuh...saya juga amat resah lagi gulana (aiyoh sori la bahasa tungging pukang..larikkkk)
heh setuju sewa rumah sorg2. at least ada tmpt utk sembunyi...hihihi.... I loikee...anyway...all the best..i wish i could be so rajin la kan..huhu
Dugaan selalu datang dalam pelbagai bentuk ..kekuatan dalaman dan juga sokongan org tersayang utk bersama2 hadapi dugaan ..semoga tabah ya ..salam dari malaysia :)
tgh meditating ke tu, bro?
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