this week food war day!! war?? yaa with Alynn in Oxford! we had so much talked bout food and then we've decided to proceed with these war. LOL. Alynn these were all food ive cooked. HAHAHAHHAHAHA !!!!! Master Cooking Guy from Royal Holloway!!! :P
well cooking make you enjoy your day. I really enjoyed doing this lor.... Put your effort and show your enthusiasm.. You'll get the feeling dow... hik hik hik
So apa cerita Alynn.. abehla die...i miss my chocolate cake.. lama tak buat untuk kawan2 kat Malaysia.. last before i came here. Guys, later on bile me dah balik, i promise to cook for you guys ya.. hahahhaha my treat!
master cooking guy!!! fulamaaakkkkkkkkkkk SYIOKKNYEEE!! kalah laa alynn camni. aargghhh. tensi tensi!!!! :P patut laaa ehh excited bebenar nk food war. tau dh alynn kalah wakaka.
pasal choc cake tu jgn lupa, my bday ekk!! :D puh-leeaasseeee :D
choooo oishisoooo la ur menu2 ni. lapaq dh ni. aiseh xleh jd ni!
woooooooooo penat belajaq sampai london wooooo
eekekek bukan amek security amek ilmu masak.. kih kih kih
siap bg nama tu!! hahaha. tu yg xtahan tu. adeehhhh. xpuas hati nye pasal komen dua kali :P (padahal jeles nih :D n terujaaaa)
inilah die penangan jejaka cool RHUL... :P
uik..sedapnyeeeeeeeee aaa meleleh2 dah tgk.. hahaha.. apsl x pnah msk utk kitorg pun? mane aci nih!! haha..tp yelah dok overseas keje memasaaaakk jee. tp xla seexpert abg zarul kite nih.. aiseyhhh!!!
nak meh la sini...
ajak cik hus sekali... mane die??
korang tengah exam ek?
hey...hahaha bru abis exam...nonie manede exam...die kan kat msia...haih
xpe non, zaf xtgok lagik kite masak...bile nk food war ngan kiteorg nih?? berasap2 blender tau kiteorg msak!!~
Wow you cooked all these? Great job ;)
Great shots of winter, too.
heheheh...tak kira zarul balik sini kang buat kek coklat banyak2 k.....bagi ap lagi gemuk wakakakak...
can i have some? those looks yummy!
aiseh updet la abg boy! bila nk updet!! basi dh ur food tu :P kena taruk new food lak hehehe.
thanks for the line.
sungguh sedap..
do u mine cook fo me?
adeshh tak malu sungguh.dah le tak knal..boleh pulak request gitu..hehehe
great food!!
it looks delicious.....can i join? hahahahah kidding
yes tweety..
Gambar jer....Resepi tarax ker.....lagi2 pasta tu cam ngancam jer....Hai buat orang terliur jer lah zarul ni....
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