Feathers.... gone with wind...I was a bit tired lately
My life cycles became unstable within these few weeks
I just needed some rest
only for a while...
i wish i can be like a bird now
flying freely up on the seamless and blue sky
Few days to go....
I'll survive
Yes I will!
no worries man.u can do it!malaysia boleh,zafi pun boley gak!hihi.
u can do it beb... trust me.....
I pray the best for you
Insya' Allah, everything will be great
Have the faith in you:
Take the different road
Grab the essence
Pat your sacrifices
Envy people's success
Look your weaknesses
Remedy towards a betterment
Create a new road
Never give yourself a bleak
Give yourself a confidence
Ensure success is all yours
Hope my performance = or better than my undergrad level
Never give up..yeah!
omg, after my model habis, after finals habis, after portfolio habis, I NAK TIDUR TAK BANGUN BANGUN! but bukan mati la..
like the positive attitude
im sure u can do it!
dude, super lawa gamba. pakai DSLR ape yek?
yes you will survive.
nak me tolong nyanyikan lagu gloria gaynor i will survive tu tak?
yeay. haha~
zarul u took those pics by yrself eh? lawooonyeee.
wah jealous
thanks mate
i wish i could have that one..LOL
yes please!!!
Yups... :)
bulu ayam mana zarul tarik ni? kidding ;)
best of luck tau... result harus flying colors... keep ur faith in achieving a good result ok
p/s: jgn lupa the dvd collection, jue lupa, i have tons to think la zarul, harus mak nenek lupanya... huhuhuh mail me ok...
tu bulu untk wat show malam nanti ke? ekekee
u can do it bro..hehe..
i'm done with my papers..now i'm going to have a bigggggggggggg rest! yeehaa!!!
nway, i'm so frustrated with blogspirit...
cannot update my blog till today... :(
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