it was raining...
we decided to go to surrey jugak!
Fruit picking ....
Well... it was so fun
full of joy and laugh la ..... as usual...
sambil kutip sambil masuk molot... ngeeee..!
plus half price for strawberryss ....
Thanks to Leez and bro Zam...
Kuyup tak kuyup we all balun!
waiting for other season pulak!
weather getting better i guess...
please no more gloomy days...
Oh 07.07.07 sekali je muncul.... I hope we will always live in blessing by God...Amin...
Saturday was amazing for me too. HA HA! ;p
Anyway. Gile yummy setoberi. Jeles jeles.
yeah yeah yeah :P
Anyway glad to know u're back safely.. and and and...
ehem ehem ehem....
I miss the Roti Canai nih...... Geez..
tak brp nak cute laa org yg mulut penuh strawberry tuu... rasa2nya org yg menulis comment ni laaaaagi cute... laaaaagi chomel... laaaaagi manis..
sy akui... akan kechomelan sy... janet pun setuju... kan janet kan kannn... nak geng ngan janet la pas ni... ekeke...
eh eh eh
org birmingham ni nak kene babab nih...
nak kene tarik idung nih...
hahahahah apa pon yg penuh setoberi di mulutnya tu tak dapat dinafikan ke kawaianya ... no doubt.. ngeeee
janet pesan soh belanje me kat bayswater... makan nandos... :P
hehe comel gambar!
anyway you have been tagged by me for charity meme! visit my blog to know what i'm talking bout!
learnd somethg new today:
strawberry kangkang
whats the purpose of it? faithful wive(s) kah?
NiCe WhEAtEr..CubEr BuAt FrUit PicKiNG kAt MaLaYsIa BrO...pEtIk BuaH dUrIaN oK kER? *wInK*
nak jugak!!! hehe..sure is fun eh..
hey pinto nak setoberi juga!
beshnye stoberiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
nak gakkkkkkkk !!!!!
nak gak nak gak nak gak nak gakkkkk
manis ke..?
kat sini yg jual kat giant tuuu.. selalu dpt yg masham la. geram jek
wahhh besnye fruit picking....
waahhh beshnye die makan stoberi... huhu
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