Scene 1
im just thinking
that i want to be liked
Ally McBeal for a while...
vonda shepard's voice so awesome in the series...
adore her...
soothing and calminggg...
zafi MacBeal? ngohhh
I always dream to be a lawyer like my elder sister
yep that was my aim long time ago
But due to certain constraints
maka I cant...
no worries!
scene 2
Its so nice staying whole day in Harry Potter's Library...:p
I assumed my Library as Harry's Library..bley?
mY dIssertation Progress so far so good lah!
Already in Chapter 2.. 3 chapter to go...
aja aja!
Scene 3
Ohooo Olive invited me to watch 3D harry Potter in London Imax...
yeap2... i will
if and only if
my dissertation progress
eh harry got 3d eh?
yups2... in august... come to london!
Hello Mr August ;P
hi zafi mcbeal :)
im august??? lol
heyya long time no see!!!
mcbeal heh? hahahahaha
malaysia pn ada harry potter in 3D la h~
sronok nye...nak jugak baring2 camtu.. nape kat m'sia kalo wat camtu pasti org tgk plek.. hehe...
i watched harry potter 3D @ IMAX few weeks back. very nice! go watch it!
and Ally MacBeal show is awesome. i like the weird lawyer guy.
but if u wanna be Ally, no...u can't pull it off. haha.
btw, lawyer women is HOT!
good2 last time i watched 3d movie imax kat Msia cite apa express train ke apa tah... cartoon movie lah
sebab kita satu cuaca je kot....
yeap2 i will if i can finish everything... wish me luck lah!
i want to be my version of Ally lah.... :P
i hereby, menyerahkan takhta kecomelan kpd org royal. wif dat kind of pose.. org birmingham pun kalah.. uhuhu.. ohh tidakkk!!! dis can't be happening..
** awk ni mmg sweet sgt.. sweet like sugar.. sugar cane.. brown sugar.. white sugar.. ha apa lagi... amik sume... amik..
Org Birm,
nak kene babab ek? hahahahah me as sweet as candy all the time... ngoh ngoh!!! :p
me hamek ... jgn tak hamek...
seronok lepak kat harry potter's library nih... takde org kacau.. melayan kecomelan diri inih... wacha!!! :P
Harry Potter 3D ade ke kat Msia?
Sounds fun! Must. Watch. Tsk!
Btw Zafi, that pose, tak bleh blah! Hehehehe.
HoW aBoUt The DAncInG bAbY brO...
PoSe MAuT SioT..lAriKKkkkk!
i guess ade!
dasar setan sunggoh!
wee wee zafi mcbeal.
i tak follow pun hp's movie bcos tak bape minat cite fantasy penyapu terbang2 ni. tapi aritu dipakse menonton hp 5, terseksa jiwe dan batin.
sebenanye i pun penah mcm ala2 berangan2 kan nak jadi ally mcbeal tu. mcm best je jadi die.
well, we cant be someone else.
Dear Zarul,
Congratulations for your exam results. Hope the CISSP exam goes well too. And I pray the best for your final lap of your programme: dissertation. Keep up kicking and smiling!
err.. nak tanya bleh... ally mc beal tu sape... mcm penah dengar nama beliau... :D
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