i meant of sun shiny day....
Not a gloomy as always ...
called senpai and decided to shop in Oxford..
erm.. Bicester Village? JOm..
home of shopping land...lalallala land....
It was gorgeous...----> watch little Britain.. :P
Spent some money.. some? heheheheheheh
dont asked me anything on what ive bought for myself!!!!
Gosh i was so rambang mata...
BTW.. my dissertation is almost done!
few corrections before my 2nd meeting with my supervisor...
lots of stuff to share but a bit lazy lately...
talk to u later!
pics was nicely taken....
bestnya dia dpt jalan2..XD
nk tanye jugak.. beli ape tuu? hehehe... ;p
bro, lawa rambut lu. balik nanti jgn lupa bagi tau, boleh minum teh tarik bebeh
hello bro kitorang nak pindah rumah keluar dari bilik sewa ni... nanti ajaklaa kengkawan datang rumah jalan2 cari makan
ShOpPInG wItHoUt Me HuH? tAk AcI tAo!
WhY sO mAnY cOlGaTe MoMeNt ...
eii menyampah nye tgk budak ni jejalan! dok umah diam2 laaaaaaaaaa
wohoho. best nye jenjalan!!
pose apa tuh...huhuhu
have fun bro. :)
saye sungguh jeles melihat awk berjala2 :(
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