after few months
after working for thousand hours
day and night
i have decided to choose this University...
Wish me luck
i need your support :)
I already miss my friends, lecturers and univ in London
Well.. i am not staying in the same univ after this..
so many things to be considered!
Its almost 2 hours from central London...
Not so far .. :P
I am quite familiar using public transport especially from Reading...
Not to Oxford Village okkkk~!!!
New environment, new people, new culture and of course new place for me!
Yeap... very near to the sea!
To my parent, Thanks for the Doa - Hajj...
I will miss everyone here again!!! :(
Sad and happy
Plymouth... here i come............ :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 to all!
Salamz MAAL HIJRAH 1430
May Allah Bless us...
with courage and strength
so that we can sail away our journey in future... Amin
A good friend of mine admitted to Hospital due to Pneumonia...
he looked so different! Tired.. weak.... :(
Do pray may Allah give him good health...