after few months
after working for thousand hours
day and night
i have decided to choose this University...
Wish me luck
i need your support :)
I already miss my friends, lecturers and univ in London
Well.. i am not staying in the same univ after this..
so many things to be considered!
Its almost 2 hours from central London...
Not so far .. :P
I am quite familiar using public transport especially from Reading...
Not to Oxford Village okkkk~!!!
New environment, new people, new culture and of course new place for me!
Yeap... very near to the sea!
To my parent, Thanks for the Doa - Hajj...
I will miss everyone here again!!! :(
Sad and happy
Plymouth... here i come............ :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 to all!
Salamz MAAL HIJRAH 1430
May Allah Bless us...
with courage and strength
so that we can sail away our journey in future... Amin
A good friend of mine admitted to Hospital due to Pneumonia...
he looked so different! Tired.. weak.... :(
Do pray may Allah give him good health...
salm org2 lon don
salam bro,
good luck and wish you all the best.
zarul ... bestnye .. leh le aku gi plymouth lps ni ... u MUST be my tourist guide OK! ... kejam kan! ... really glad to hear this good news! Chayok! See u!
Plymouth is very scenic and you'll love there bro. Wishing you all the luck in the world !
alhamdulillah, dpt samb blk... congrats!
dah ada specific tarikh ke zarul nak back to UK ni?
aiyakkkk dulu stay londres la...
hahahahah hope pas nih. ade 3org la kita berkampung plymouth, Birm n sfield.. :P
Dr Sam,
Tq2... amin2
I have to choose this! Not in London anymore.. no Kings..
Tqs jue! InsyaAllah paling awal akhir Jan... nanti me bg tau
bbelas thn dik oi.....dah muak tgk muka paki..tu yg aku bla...hehehehe
zafi! you're going back to UK? yeay! i'll be in london from 25th to 30th jan. maybe we can meet up? again :)..enjoy ur stay bro!!
good luck wife plan to further her studies too..tgh plan la skrg ni...look like she's interested in Cranfield U...
so, memandangkan bro akan ikut dia (turn dia sampai dulu)..I have no choice la but to follow her..but I'm in engineering she in mgmt...dono which U to go..
err..BTW Cranfield to dekat ke dengan Warwick or coventry?
Zarul! Congrats! See you soon! :-P
permulaan tahun br yg bagus sekali =)
take care and good luck at ur new place yeh...
Salam Maal Hijrah
waaaaaaaaaa zarul dah nak sambung.... moga2 dimurahkan rezeki... kalau ada rezeki leh g sana..... muja dah beransur pulih... amin...
selamt bro. gua doakan kejayaan lu!
all the best dear!!!
im happy for u but at the same time a bit upset as u couldnt come for my wedding..huhu...
wajib jumpe b4 u fly off okay!!
semoga kwn tu cpt sembuh ok, all da best to you, selamat tahun baru 2009 zafi n take care...
Thanks for dropping by. Happy New Year. Good to hear you're marching on. In a PhD, you're using the 10% of the known to deal with the 90% unknown. And to deal with the 90% you would probably need an equal breakdown of %age in: self-discipline, tenacity, passion and faith. I didn't think I would confuse you by this. This should be simple for a PhD candidate to work out 90% of the comment of which 10% have been deleted earlier ;)
salam bro, all the best in ur undertaking ye..
i envy u, really
salam maal hijrah and happy new year 2 u :)
zafi, bila balik sana ni?
abg zarul..wish u slamat belajar smula...this is the time yg u nnt a fren i'll fully support ur decision..lps nie dh xda nk g yo chuan lg kn.heheh.
thanks for dropping by and your nice greeting as well. wishing you all the best.
salam, congrats..all d best in ur study
Dear Zafi,
I am proud and impressed with you rtenacity to being a PhD candidate in Plymouth. I hope to be able to meeting you in the UK soon (Insya'Allah, by September 2009). Am struggling hard for a MARA scholarship or other means of funding. Anyhow, I know, you will be stronger and stronger. Insya'Allah, Congratulations once again bro!
hi,can we exchnage our banner,if u done have banner i still can post yur link,please let me know after it blog about my addicted making wire jewelry.thank
Hey zafi... Congratulation and Gud luck bro!! :-)
salam bro,
aku jumpe blog ko once aku round2 nama miss laiha (since aku nak pi UM esok,saja2 la tengok list of faculty members.. ade meeting kat UM).
aku ada gak apply Plymouth - aku dari UIA. I contacted Dr Maria Papadaki dulu+phone interview.. aku plan nak buat IDS stuffs.
Tapi kat UIA MSD(HR) sini kata tak yah apply UK, sebab memang tak kasi pegi (beku).
UM boleh lagi ke?
Skang ni aku ambik TOEFL/GRE(dah ambik) since target US,takpun Australia.
I am very jealous with you... tapi all the best ya!
p/s: ade opis mate aku kat Plymouth tu, under security group, ko usha2 la namanya Shuhaili.. search kat website.
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