
Salamz all,
I am going to mix up stuff in this entry...
based on true stories...
We address this man as ayah, abah, papa, etc...
what ever method you use to it, it gives you the same meaning and will indicate to the same person
My father - my abah..
Born in perak. 6 out of 13 siblings and stand as the eldest son in the family.
Yeah he came from such a big happy family.
I have no doubt most of my uncle and aunties staying in Kg but i adore them very much...
Lovely people, caring and for sure "happening"!
Interesting part, once "balik kg" abah will be very excited because he cant wait to eat the food especially "tempoyak" (Ripe Durian) cook by my aunts... Mak Teh/Wah/Mak Yang/Wan chu Very awesome smells though! :P
Abah was the army before he retired early and continue worked with firm...
When abah's health not very well, he was advised by the doctor to retire again.
yeah abah was sad when he heard that
as he knew he had lots of responsibilities to raise us..
He think a lots and his health condition was not good.
For him, did nothing meant miserable...
but abah still had his patience
My mum is always there to support him.
I was in main campus(local unis) that time
my elder sis already came back from Uk during that time and my younger sister
was in her secondary school.
It was a day before my last exam paper.
I got a phone call from my mum
she told me that abah will be admitted to IJN(National Heart Institude) ...
cause : Coronary artery diseases
solution : Coronary bypass surgery
tears fall from my eyes...
why didn't they told me earlier?
why must now?
what have i done?
Ya Allah, Please help me. Give me your mercy....
Yeah, no more focus on exam stuff... no more books.... no more notes...
i did my exam quickly the next day...
flew back to Kl after exam.
At the hospital abah can still smile...with his jokes... his laugh...
No appetite to eat and he wanted to talk with us a lot...
I knew deep inside his heart, he love me and our family more than he love himself...
he pretended that nothing happened...
The operation day
From his room to the operation theatre...
abah istighfar... recite doa...
Before he went in, we hug abah...asked for forgiveness...blessings
All of us cries... my uncle.... aunties... abah's best friends...
waited for long hours....
until everything done.
At the ICU
Abah opened his eyes...
abah smiled and hold my hands...
he said to the nurse
"he is my son. My only son. I am really proud of him"
again i cried but quickly i wipe my tears ...
i advised abah not to talk much...
Now abah is feeling much better after several years of operation
but still under medication
he ate lots of medicine and supplements
Yesterday i called abah and my mum said abah had a fever, cough and tiredness
abah voice a bit weak but he pretended liked nothing happen
as usual he will laugh and made some jokes,
he didnt want me to worry of him...
Only God knew deep inside my heart that time!
i am not shame to say how much i love my father
i am not shame to say i want to be like my father... how he love and respect my mum...
how he became a warrior in our family... sacrifices many things in his life from his chilhood until now....because of him i am here now...
I do believe that you feel the same out there...
To abah,
Thanks for love, care and everything that you have given to me
I always doa may you and mama will live in full of blessing... dunia akhirat
Let us doa for our parent
Let us love and care for our parent
whether they still live or not...
because remember life only Once!
I am really proud to be your only son....
Abah ( Zaaba bin Shamsudin)
Happy Father's day
Selamat Hari bapa
Your son,
Zarul Fitri Zaaba
Plymouth, United Kingdom
Awwwwww. Terharu baca entri ni. Saya pun sayang abah saya jugak!
tq.... yeah we love our father very much kan?
Greetings from Malaysia..
What a touching blog..
Makes my tears flows out..
I agreed with what U said..
DAD is the hero in our life..
I do appreciate what my dad have done to me throughout my life...
Have a gud day,Zafi...
Any contact that I can sms U..
selamat hari bapa to ur dad. entry kali ni memang mengusik jiwa..seyes...:)
yup.. me too..
semoga kita masih berpeluang utk menghargai mereka..
Sayu2... Bro thanks lawat blog aku ye, good luck on ur study
sob sob... touching seh...
father's day bukan 21 june ke?
citpodaa ..ingat hari raya tadik ..baru nk mintak duit raya la..
larikkkkkk !
zafi bila lagi nk jadi bapa betul ? kejarrrr !
nsb baik saya ke sini. saya dah terlupa pasal hari bapa..
thanks buat saya ingat
semoga jadi anak yang baik dan jadi ayah yang baik di suatu masa nanti..
Terharu btol.. Ayah aku pon lebey kurg camtu gak. Kjp sehat kjp x.
Ok! gtg...
Nak turun bwh mkn anggur ngan ayah...
Wish ur father get well soon..
Tommy - yeah can i have ur e-mail though!
kadok - yeah tq... kita doakan yg terbaik untuk our father
aznee - yeah agree!
Fly - tq juge!
k cita - yeap 21st June ni
sean - raya?
Haja- sama2 kita mengingatkan
ashley - amin2
Mute - tq.. jaga ayah baik2... :)
oh. nice huhuhu...
hope your dad always strong and though...
err aku cuba komen dalam bahsa inggeris kalu salah harap maklum hehe
terharunya.. kita doakan sama2 ye :)
entry zafi touching. btw, semoga cepat pulang ke malaysia,dapat jaga abah :D
This is my email address...
Email to tomypc2002@yahoo.co.uk..
Or U can sms me +6012 5659538..
Hope to hear fr U soon..
Zafi dear, I love the song you have dedicated to your father - a very apt one too. I'm sure you'll do your father even prouder when you come home with that coveted title in front of your name. Wishing you all the best to you in your endeavours.
Just returning your visit to my blog. TQ
i love groban ;)
salam zafi..
aku baca sambil dengar lagu ni..tersentuh, sayu..ye lah..masing2 ade cerita ttg ayah..bezanya adalah bagaimana cara kita menceritakan cerita itu..apa2 pun sama2 kita berbangga pada ayah, xkira siapa dia sekalipun..
*selamat hari bapa kepada semua ayah2 di dunia..
Hye Zafi..
this n3 put me in tears(..again..such an emo week for me..huhu..)..am happy for u ..i envy u!!..ur dad is just a phone call away..great dad u hv there Zafi..
Zafi..kita ni sekampung le gamoknye..perak tu di mana ye yop?..kampung teman di Kg Lubok Merbau..
Award untuk anda!! Kerana post yang menyayat hati.. haha.. (Visit my blog)
Happy to be a father, I hope you will be a good one too...soon?
selamat hari abah utk arwah abahku
Naqeeb - worth trying... tq
Adrianna - yeah.. jaga abah baik2
CikQem - Thank you.. will come back soon
Zendra - tq for coming
mizie - me too
pal7- i couldnt agree more
Teacher - yeah my father from perak kat area bote... pekat yeop
Mute- tq tq
Dr sam- yeah soon!!! dunno the year.. :P
Umi- Al Fatihah
da lame aku cari sape nyanyi lagu nie...hahaha..ketinggalan kan aku..heeh..
sayu hati ni...teringat ayah di kampung...apakan daya perjuangan itu belum selesai...
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