Ingat zaman dolu2...
Ice Cream... vanilla Flavour
Turbine Area Tate Modern
Wall Deco Tate Modern
Alynn + ME
on the way back
manja la konon
Pose jgn tak poseAgain
i was so excited to see the pics...
i liked the expressions...
the "poyo" faces
crazy actions
Now i want to finish everything
especially the next coming exam
Then i think i can start to laugh again
become a 'crazy guy' again
as what Bro zam used to call me...
Bro Ridzuan (Newcastle) has invited me to go to his place...
InsyaAllah i'll be there :P
Well, Lots of place to go
and its playing in my mind now...
Ireland , Trip to scotland, Vienna...MALAYSIA... (keh keh)
i feel soooo jealous tgk naik itu gelongsor occay.... kat sini mana ada... kalau ada muat ke jue? hahahhaha
u look happy ha... good².. enjoy ur good days there ok...
one word here: beautiful.(^___^)
ey, i saw ur pics from previous entries oso, is it u like jumping2?
bcos, i like jumping2 too. but never got chance to take a pic of it. i can see it's fun. i shud try later. hoyeh!
ahakzz memang sangat best naik itu gelongsor, aiyakkk jue muat la...
nana ke? hahahahhaha
arigatou nana san
ya i like to jump la lately... virus from my adik sedara...
You MUST try!!! have fun k!
zarul.. seres ka zarul neh..
kurus arr..
zarul.... rambut dah panjang nie.... g potong cepat..... nanti ap nak upload pic n cherita kat india... banyak keje ar tak sempat
im still the same person.. :P
adeh mane de...
perasaan epi je tuh...
Huhu The 1st pic remind me, how scary little kid I was masa budak2 dulu. Naik papan gelungsur pun nanges Kuang3
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