Sodap!Resting your mind and body...
Kak Aisya just came from Lancester for the applied statistics seminar in Windsor building...
As a tourist guide, brought her "jalan-jalan" tour campus..
cam orientation... hahhahha
Coincidently her accomodation was just beside my block
in Reid buidling(undergrad Accomodation)
Ermmm what a nice room...
i dont even realised that...
Spacious but i dont really liked the windows...
you can only opened half of it...
Huh after struggled with all those notes...
i guess time for break...
Get some butter cookies...
biskoot cap ping pong!!!!
sile2... :P
Yummy, a handsome cup of coffee
DeCaFfe LaTtE wItH wHiPpeD crEamS aNd CiNNaMoN pOwDeR..yUmmY .. CaN yOu I mAgIne iT bEiNG sERvEd WiTh ApPLe CrUmBle PiE wItH lOAdS oF wHiPPED cReAm PlUs HoNeY tOppInG . lIfE iS iNdEeD a BlEssInG..
i've never experience having a sip of what akubudaksetan had said. what is cinnamon pwder? apple crumbe pie? whipped cream+honey topping? *sambil menelan air liur*
biskoot cap ping pong is better, cicah dengan air milo panas. makan waktu petang, sambil dengar mak berceloteh kat sebelah. nice-nice, miss that moments~
yep, sile2~ (^___^)hoyeh.
did u take the photo? nice composition
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