The title was just liked
a film...
a novel...
I woke early as the discussion started at 9.00 a.m
by 8.30 i walked all alone to Egham Street
my destination to the post office...
Gosh i thought that im the one who
reached there first..
ampess... people already in queue...LOL
cam pesta apa je! It took me one hour just to buy a stamp
which cost me 1.55 pounds...
i was late for the discussion... reached McREA room at 10.00
i thought that i was the last person to be there
but they were the others who came late...
sakit kaki panjat bukit tinggi... lari2 anak konon nak cepatttt!
With my heavy bag, big files etc...
suddenly my hp dropped on the street.. :(
arghhh the casing broken!!!
Not only that,
once i reached the univ entrance,
my bag was torn on one side...
Ya Ampun!!!!
i was supposed lenggang mak limah je...
Hadoiiiiii laaaaa...
My study mood was set up to be -ve....
did very small contribution on solving the Questions...
My negligent...
so Imbecile!!!
Looked out of the window
Air blew heavy, damp...
im now afraid to take pictures of me own hair,coz it looks like im losing some!
eh,not some,most of it!
geez.i cant believe it,im getting old!
my hair also getting botak!!!
thanks for visiting my blog..good luck in your studies too. i'm still in my first year of being a law student. still a long way to go... pray for me though we don't know each other that much...
ait. genki-genki!
i love the title. it's one of my fav movie mase skooldays dulu. and, it happened to be my most memorable prom nite theme last year. so, yeay! (^__^)
well, a malang day was happened to be remembered so one day we can smile remembering the day.
ey, saye featured u at my blog bcos i luv to see the pokok2 pics u took. takpe kan? Ngeh(^___^)
heya nana san,
ahaa yes u can...
dozo yoroshiku! LOL
ReLaX bRo ...C'EsT lA vIe. MaYbE iT iS a SiGn ThAt YoU nEeD tO sHoPpiNg LaH..a nEw Hp? A nEw FlAsHy dESiNgnEr BlInG2 bAnG? Or AnYtHiNg.. ShOpPInG iS sOotHiNg
haha, budak setan's right.
A new hp would be nice for me though ;) Haha.
Salam, Zaf, tu 'seponcot' rambut hang ke? HEHE
ahaaaa i wish i can buy new hp...
my budget lariiiii already
gimme some money.. :D
konon nihonjin ar..
samurai while studying ..LOL
kesian dia....
I came here from my blog. You posted a comment about bob dylan. Nice to know you're a fan too (right?)
So, you're studying in London? what major?
kesian je? bg la duit...dah gi india kan kaya? keh keh keh
aha bob dylan...
adore his voice(talent)
em doin the information security..:P
sabau zarul.... kuatkan semangat.... itu semua dugaan.....
rajin2 lah belajar yee...
yup, struggle can strengthen :D All the best
I thought u'd stopped blogging, to concentrate on study :P It turned out that my damn feed didnt work Huhu
I'm returning your visit. I've noticed that we share 2 common interests, Nicholas Spark and Melly's songs. Have you watched and read 'Notebook' by him? My favourite. Haven't read Walk To Remember ,though. Perhaps this coming semester break.
P/S: Check out my English blog. Some reflections on my teaching and my students.
But, have watched the movie.
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