arghhh triple play
Ap(food fighter), K Joen(, Shah(gakusei), Alang(Cute okasan)
Kak Ct, Kak Long, Kak Ash, Kak wan (crazy team-laughing-eating-mumbling)
Mamet + Kak Ct ... listened to the song! what song eh???
People were talking but ME? makan! :PWell just dedicated this posting to all of them...
Miss you guys so much...
Bcoz of of Mamet we've known each other and became closer...
like bro and sis...
Thank you so much!!!
hugs n kissess ... :P
Thanks for the cd's...
take care all!
Friendship is beautiful if we nurture and nourish it's meaning. It does not advocate on beauty only, but also, touches on adversity and melancholic moments.Just pray the best for them. A DOA from a friend, is indeed mustajab. Cheers!
puitis your sentence!
really appreciate that..
thank you so much!
im totally agree with you!
No joy and fun without friends around you... :)
NoT bAd.WhO i Am I cOmmEnT? UsEd TOo HaViNg sHaLloW CoNvErsAtIoNs tHaT i SomEtImES wOnDerS ....
HOpE i CaN lEaRn ThAt LiFe WaSn't ThAt BaD tHoUgH. KeEP iT uP!
hey dont worry about the status. Nothing to bother.
anyway thanks! :)
that dude looks like the one from AF.
hey..miss the ol' good times kan? i got the feeling that we will be starting another soon. LOL! You know what, if I have a videocam, I will record the moments and pass it to you, just like i did last time with cita's vcam..but as of now, I dont have any. Would have borrow from my sis if she is nearby..I would love to record things when this group gets together again..hahaha! There would be chaos..topics jumping all over and time goes so fast..hehehe..jgn tinggal solat dah..
Zafi.. thanks for viewing my blog... you blog were nice too.... keep in touch ya..
nampak macam sedap je ayam tu, halal ke?
halal2... :)
hey, bro...
dah le daku baru melihat itu VC Izin Ku Pergi semlm... tambah syahdu syahdan le jawabnya hari hari ku ini.....
re: nih time nih tgh dgr byk lagu nih zarul.. Dalam Kenangan ada.. Kau Telefon Lagi ada... bukan sng nak dpt chance mcm tuh.. maaa.. hehe
ya i knew kak ct...
i ingat lagi that day...
kezutan for me ...
he gave me tie ...
dont worry
die akan ingat u guys!!!
turun ke johore?
I was about to comment on the same thing but Faiz had it sooner.
The guy from AF, whatshisname.. Kaer?
Yeah that's it.
faiz and flutterby
yups... its him.. :)
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