After the match!!!!
Huh... nice stuff! Ziad ??? what happen?
Woooo seet with her long leg lor!!Arghhhh
i hate to say this...
aha just gave them chance.. hahahahha (cover2)
It was fun.. we went out to play at 10.00 a.m
wther was great!
Tom and Seet were great in this game!!!!
next week another match!!!
im ready now!!!
aja aja fighting!
aiseh kalah ke? xpe xpe, next time cuba lg abg boy!!!
thanks again for the lovely rhul bday postcard :D morning2 surprise gitu hehe.
tu dia, cuba b&w laks hehe. amek byk2 lg gamba!! esp. mcm founders n me tu. mmg teruja!
Tennis is hot. Lmao.
Ishkk aku dari dulu nak mencuba main tenis nie.tapi belum berkesempatan.
jom main...
pukui jek!!
wah... ku semakin jeles tgk korg lepak2 kat padang mcm tuh....
*dulu time study x pernah ada chance lepak2 kat padang. hehe
i always like to see the snapshots u took of royal holloway. i think i remember some shots taken in The Da Vinci's code, or did they?
aiyakkk correct bro!
Da vinci's movie was taken from these building...
do come! :P
I love the background, as always. How I wish to pick up tennis after years of "retirement". By the way, nice pictures.
Bro Noris,
retirement? aiyakkk youre still young la bro... hahahaha
Its great to play tenis.. the wther not so hot! :P thanks!!!
alamk noris awai lagi nak retired. meh meh .. jom kite maint enis lak pasnie. sume mende aku nak main nie. mana nak taruk dlm schedule aku nie. heee heee
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