Tired of my whole lectures today.. morning with computer crime.. and evening with database security... the morning lecture was pretty fun and interesting... its all about the pornography... emphasize on child porn... Law is quite difficult to understand. Furthermore its really complex and you need an analytical skills to interpret every single sentence of case... hahahha cam kata2 lawyer la pulak...
Very good respond from Ian Mckinnon as he has been working in this field for more than 15 years. i sat beside him.. ive learned lots of new thing today... thanks Ian.. Owe you again.. :P
At 12 had my lunch in HUB with Siripan and Marcas... Lenney cant join us as Tom insisted her to go to the International Building... asked about Procedure to Japan i guess... Tom was really excited to go there.. to meet her GF.. escaped Lunch..xoxoxo...
I had my salads and chips... :) Rushed to my room and pray for Dhuhr... Then rushed back to MLT for database security... My level of understanding today quite ok.. i would say almost 70%..Pretty good huh?
Went back to my room with Ziad(Sudan) and Tom(Thai). They insisted me to go to Tesco... i just said ok... Had an evening walk with them.. Lots of stories and funny things to share with.. Tom was a young man from Thai... Ziad and me just liked his bro.. we kept teased him with lots of thing bcoz sometimes Tom was "Lurus Bendul"...
For Tomorrow, we've decided to do some revision on computer security(operating system) in Gowar at 9 a.m ... So i need to do my preparation before i can discuss tomorrow morning...
oh.. Picture here was taken by Lenny in Windsor building. Seet and ME in Windsor Building... both of us became a volunteers for Fairtrade products... We invited all people to have coffee, tea, chocolate and biscuits for FREE...and explained to them about these products.. How important for us to buy and support these products...
Fairtrade is all about better price, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade. By buying these products we are helping farmers to sell their products at the stable price that covers their costs and enables them to support their families and invest in a better future.
As Malaysian.. buy Malaysian products.. :)
Bhuvan just Knocked my door at 12.45 p.m .. Invited me to have supper.. Rice and Dhal Curry... He is really hungry now... No thanks for me... its too heavy.. i just had my strawberrys... :)
thats it for now...
Aja - aja fighting!
The closest things to Malaysian products here are mango pudding from Sg Petani and potato chips from Subang.
And they're very expensive for just puddings and chips.
But we still buy them anyway haha.
hey, Computer crime? that's a cool subject. About the fairtrade, I wish they have the same here in Scotland.
Flutterby, wooo good for you then... :P here i bought so many things malaysian products... sos cili is a must! i cant live with the ketchup environment.LOL.... huhuhuhuhuuhu miss sambal belacan...
Bro, cool? yups.. definitely... but pretty tough for me.. no basic law.. only from books n novel that ive read... :) No Fairtrade in Scotland?? hmmm ... come here n "borong" :P
Law on info sec is kind of different in scotland...but basic concept still the same.. :)
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