I woke up late today.. also late for subuh prayer... Bad headache in the morning. At 8 a.m, i text to Tom & cancel the discussion in Gowar.(I felt guilty as i set the promise earlier with Tom and Ziad). Ive taken 2 pk and continue slept until 10.00.huh??
Flutterby added me in her YM list... shocked! anyway really appreacite that. Hajimemashite.. dozo yoroshiku... ) *Bow
Alhamdulillah God gave me strength to fight this pain. Im too tired for stayed up in these whole week. After Dhuhr, i trudge myself to BLT seminar room. Had a seminar on Malware attacks. I can only absorbed 40-50 % of the presentation. At the second part of it, im dying... LOL... When the presenter started to talk about the tools and showed some demo, i instantly blur... Flabbergasted for a while...woooo!
I walked back to my accomodation. Pop called me and wanted to see me in front of the Hub. She asked me again on procedure to apply for PHD. i gave my suggestion and some notes to her. We planned to continue our phd in the same Univ. Pop interested in mathematical proven concept of information security while im more on protocol and security management. I said i cant focus on my proposal yet. im stuck with final project's proposal and preparation for May Exam... I said we can discuss in depth about this with Chez later on... Its not easy to do...We cant simply rush... PHD.. its all about you and yourself... independence research!!! Hardwork and effort...Plan and how to deal with it... strategy and emotion...
but... i dont want to give up.. InsyaAllah i'll try to grab the oppurtunities in front of me...
Thanks to Kak Miss & Abg Zamri for the good luck mail.. "terharu"!!!
ive just recited Yassin. Doa for myself, my family and my friends. Thank you Allah for giving me all ability that i have now... Thank you Allah for giving me chance to live my life now... I put everything to my Doa and just Tawakkal...for every action ive taken... blessing from my parents....
I am who i am... :)
PhD? you have taken the right move if you have the passion and discipline. I would say that it took me almost three (3) months for the research proposal, references and all documentation. I would recommend you to pursue, since you are already in the UK. Get the placement first and after that, you may think about the scholarships and funding. I pray the best for you! cheers
Hey Zafi, nice blog. Did you have some Japanese education before? Just asking. Good luck in your PhD application too!;)
bro,(3088) thanks...
nihongo? long time ago...
im not good at that... anyway hajimemashite... thanks for the visit.. :)
Ya plan to... InsyaAllah i try my best.. thanks again..
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